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    Via Badini, 4 - Quarto Inferiore

With and Without disabilities: crossing valleys

People with and without disabilities will participate in a great new adventure in July 2024 by making a new Dolomite Cycle Route and arriving at the destination together!

A bit of data that tells the story of the project

8 days
6 pedal-assisted tandem
3 trike and cargo vehicles (2 Fun2Go side-by-side tandems and 1 Veloplus cargo bike)

They will be involved, also in relay mode, about:
20 persons with disabilities
16 operators and volunteers
3 minibuses for transporting vehicles and material
3 means of transporting people

We will travel about 370 km with 4200 metres of altitude difference.

The great peculiarity of this new adventure is that there will be two groups of people with and without disabilities travelling together in different ways::
• The group of six tandems will almost always cycle along trails, including wooded and unpaved ones;;
• The group of trike and cargo vehicles will make daily trips on cycle paths or low-traffic roads.

The groups will start each day together in the morning, follow different routes and speeds, and meet again on arrival.

Four events involving local associations and organisations will also take place during the cycle route.
1. The first event will be organised at the start in Cortina d’Ampezzo;
2. The second event will take place in Trento;
3. The third event will be organised in Clés with the friends of Anfass with whom L’Arche has already collaborated in the past;
4. The fourth event will be organised on the occasion of the arrival in Canazei.

What do we expect?

Certainly to make people and institutions aware of the possibility of a cycle tour in the Dolomites also for people with disabilities.
To promote the activity and the territories involved, we would like to make a docufilm highlighting the inclusive tourism potential in a mode of holiday (cycle travel) that is thought to be accessible only to certain people.
We would also like to make the territory aware of the need to equip itself with suitable means to make cycling tourism accessible, a sector that is certainly expanding in the regions of Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
But above all, we expect to do a great feat: a journey of people with and without disabilities who together will cover a good 370 km in a single week with special vehicles, MTB tandems, Trikes and pedal-assisted Cargo Bikes!
The trip will not only be about riding, but also about waking up together, having lunch in places and with food far away from the daily routine, meeting lots of people, sleeping in places never seen before and far away from the family!
Tanta Roba” as we say in Emilia Romagna!


To contribute to the realisation of the Dolomites Cycle Route, you can support the Community through:
• bank transfer,payable to: L’Arche – Comunità ‘lArcobaleno – Impresa Sociale at Banca BPER branch in Quarto Inferiore (BO),
IBAN Code: IT 96 E 05387 36850 000000923085 – BIC/SWIFT: BPMOIT22 XXX – Reason: Pedalando Insieme
• with an online donation
• participating in our fundraising events
• sharing our posts on social media and telling all your friends about us!

This trip will have the following costs:
Planning and organising the trip Preparing the means accommodation and overnight stays; coordination of activities; promotion and dissemination on social media – Euro 60.000


Pedalando insieme

€72.834 of €90.000 raised

Con questa donazione supporti il Cicloviaggio sulle Dolomiti
Con una donazione di minimo 50 euro, invieremo in omaggio uno scaldacollo/fascia e un adesivo dell’evento.
Tutti i donatori compariranno nei titoli di coda del docufilm.

Informazioni personali

Totale donazione: €50